Who we are

The Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG) at York University is a student funded, student-run, nonpartisan organization on campus that conducts research, advocacy, organizing, lobbying, as well as educational and media campaigns. It was established in the spring of 1992 by a campus-wide referendum, joining a provincial network of OPIRG chapters at eleven Ontario university campuses.

Over the years, OPIRG York has stood at the forefront of social justice mobilization at York University, operating a dynamic space that acts as one of the main activist hubs on campus. Organizationally, we strive to promote anti-oppression politics, confront injustice, raise awareness about important issues and promote positive change. We are committed to making links between issues including Indigenous rights, anti-racism, economic justice, environmental justice, sexuality, and feminism.

Website: https://www.opirgyork.org/


Volunteer Coordinator: volunteer.opirgyork@gmail.com

Programming Coordinator: program.opirgyork@gmail.com

Instagram: @OPIRGYork

Facebook: OPIRG York University

Twitter: @OPIRGYork

What we do

OPIRG York is a social justice hub for York students and the wider community we are situated in.

Our board and staff provide tools, resources, and support to our Action Groups in the form of, but not limited to: funding, space to hold meetings and organize, outreach, and volunteer recruitment with events and actions. We are also committed to linking our action groups to the wider community we are a part of. We strive to bring together the wide range of student and community groups working on various social and environmental justice issues. We help them to exchange ideas, inform each others’ organizing, and collaborate so as to generate greater awareness of the various – and often, intersecting – campaigns they are working on.