OPIRG Guelph, founded at the University of Guelph in 1976, works on a variety of environmental and social justice issues of public interest by conducting research, developing popular education materials, and engaging in activism. Volunteer-powered and volunteer-drive, we help individuals to become active in their community by providing information through our Resource Library and opportunities for hands on training and activism. Funding and support opportunities are also available to individuals and groups wishing to undertake new initiatives.

OPIRG Guelph works to strengthen the link between the University of Guelph campus and our surrounding community.

Since 1976, OPIRG Guelph has played an instrumental role in many successful local and global environmental and social justice campaigns such as:

Website: opirgguelph.org

Email: opirg@uoguelph.ca

Instagram: @OPIRGGuelph

Facebook: OPIRG Guelph

Twitter: @OPIRGGuelph

Tel: 519.824.2091

Fax: 519.824.8990