Founded at the University of Toronto in 1982, OPIRG Toronto is an intersectional grassroots volunteer-based group at the University of Toronto, with a mandate for action, education, and research on environmental and social justice issues. We seek to empower and educate students and community members by building connections and providing opportunities for students to connect with community activism and vice versa. We also provide a forum for learning and sharing skills, and give people the tools and opportunity to work co­operatively for social and environmental change.

We are an independant student funded organization, and are not funded or beholden to any administrative or governmental body. This means that we are not associated with UofT’s administration or any level of government (federal, provincial or municipal). We are a member of a provincial network of Public Interest Research Groups (PIRGs), with eleven others in Ontario.

OPIRG Toronto is best known for our multi-focus research, education and action on a wide variety of social and environmental justice issues and the links between various issues. As an intersectional organization we strongly believe that the only way to tackle systemic issues is to analyze, address and acknowledge the interconnectedness of social issues such as anti-Blackness, Islamophobia, classism, transphobia, rape culture, xenophobia, misogyny and white supremacy. We are dedicated to the un-learning process that is required to deconstruct these oppressions and as part of this we prioritize the voices of 2SLGBTQ, BIPOC, migrant, Disabled and Muslim communities on our Board of Directors and in our volunteer make-up and action groups

Main Projects and Events OPIRG Toronto currently hosts:

  • DisOrientation at UofT
  • The Sexual Violence Survivors Network Fund
  • Toronto Free Store
  • Tools for Change Network
  • Dr Chun Resource Library
  • Action Speaks Louder Magazine
  • Action Groups

Check out OPIRG Toronto website main page or sign up for our monthly newsletter for an up-to-date list of webinars, online events, petitions, fundraisers, rallies, etc.!