DisOrientation, ALt/Rad Frosh 2024

Read more about DisOrientation/Alt and Rad Frosh here.

OPIRG Provincial has a Provincial Staff person,  the Provincial Coordinator (Victoria), whose role is to support the various chapters with their ongoing work and administrative support for the network. This year our Provincial Coordinator was able to attend and support two events at two different PIRG chapter DisOrientation weeks, OPIRG York in Toronto, and OPIRG Brock in St. Catharines. 

OPIRG Yorks’ schedule was here: www.opirgyork.org/disorientation-weeks – and Victoria attended the first event entitled “Airing York’s Dirty Laundry: A Rad Walking Tour of York University” which took place on Monday, September 23rd at 2:30 pm.  Victoria had been a previous staff and board member at this chapter so there was great historical context that she was able to provide and add to the event.  She also supported by providing the audio equipment and setting up the sound. She also added some information to the history of OPIRG at York (having had been a student, previous board member and staff member at the chapter), spoke with current students and attendees and encouraged them to become involved in the OPIRG chapter at York. OPIRG York staff shared, “Having the OPIRG Provincial Coordinator attend and support our event was so important, and created another great connection point for our board members and volunteers to witness the Provincial Network in action. Thank you, Victoria and OPIRG Provincial!”  

Victoria also attended OPIRG Brock’s Annual General Meeting and was able to speak about the value and importance of networks, specifically the OPIRG Provincial network. The meeting occurred Tuesday, September 24th at 6 pm, and Victoria joined virtually. From an outgoing OPIRG Brock board member, “Having the OPIRG Provincial Coordinator attend our Annual General Meeting September was so important and helped to amplify the work that OPIRG Provincial does and how it continues to support its chapters.”

If you would like to learn more about different PIRG chapters, of the work of the Ontario Provincial Network, please find more information below about each of the chapters and some on their DisOrientation/Rad Frosh/Alt Frosh weeks!

Learn More and Ways to Follow Local PIRGs

To find out more about all of the local chapters in the Provincial network, see below the websites and some social media links of the different local chapters. If you want to connect with your local chapter you can find the contact information on their websites or social media:


Web: https://www.opirgyork.org/disorientation-weeks/ 

Social media: https://www.instagram.com/opirgyork/ 

OPIRG Kingston:

Web: https://opirgkingston.org/alt-frosh/ 

Social media: Primary social media post + individual event posts

OPIRG Guelph

Web: https://linktr.ee/DisOGuelph and opirgguelph.org 

Social media: Event Details and Descriptions

OPIRG Brock:

Web: https://www.opirgbrock.com 

Social media: https://www.instagram.com/opirgbrock 


Web: http://www.lspirg.org 

Social media: https://www.instagram.com/laurierstudentspirg 

OPIRG McMaster:

Web: https://www.opirgmcmaster.org 

Social media: https://www.instagram.com/opirgmcmaster 

OPIRG Ottawa:

Web: http://opirg-gripo.ca 

Social media: https://www.instagram.com/opirggripo 

OPIRG Peterborough:

Web: https://opirgptbo.ca

Social media: https://www.instagram.com/opirgptbo 

OPIRG Toronto:

Web: http://www.opirgtoronto.org 

Social media: https://www.instagram.com/opirgtoronto 

OPIRG Windsor:

Web: http://www.opirgwindsor.org

Social media: https://www.instagram.com/opirg_windsor